To be confident is to be self assured
Many of us struggle with being confident within ourselves and sometimes a lack of confidents can lead us down a scarey road. So I live by the tips I am going to share with you today on how to build your confidents!
1. My first tip is to be selfish when I say be selfish I am not talking about being selfish to others in need. I am talking about being selfish with your peace of mind and protecting your safe place. It's ok to say NO and it's ok to say I CAN"T HELP TODAY! If you can't protect yourself you can't help anyone else. Don't allow anyone to make you think that your peace of mind is up for auction for there own satisfactions. When you put you first you feel better and you are more confident because you are now the most important person to you.
2. My second tip is to not allow others or life situations to make you feel unworthy, uneducated, unattractive, unimportant, and unconfident. Why should you feel bad about someone else feelings about you? If you didn't get the job why should you feel uneducated? If someone walked out of your life why should you feel unworthy? Instead of thinking all of those negative thoughts change your perceptive. Maybe you didn't get that opportunity because there is a bigger opportunity waiting for you. Maybe you didn't receive that job because they couldn't see your true potential! What if that person walked out of your life because they realize you guys have out grown each other. Don't change your thoughts about yourself based on anything or anyone but your personal thoughts.
3. I began writing myself love letters to myself last years I guess you can say I felt a lack of love. So I created more love for myself by loving myself harder. I also thought about the people who love me and I took those very people. An create a team of those who wanted the best for me and I created a all star team with them as my star. Inside of my head and we do extraorditnary things together. We can't do anything alone and we can't survive by ourselves without the help of others. Build a team that can't be broken.
4.Carry around love tokens and carry around each nice word someone has ever told you. Carry around the smiles that people randomly give you throughout your day. Carry around the love ones you lost everywhere you go. You can never feel lonely when you are holding such priceless pieces of jewelry.
5.Educate yourself and don't slicene your voice! Educated yourself on the women who have came before you listen to there story. Learn about their struggles and their hard times in life. Find similarities in your struggle with your biggest motivational humane beings that have walked this earth. Than say to yourself if they were fearless I can be fearless! If they were educated I can be educated! If they became successful I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!
6. My last tip is life will never stop moving so you shouldn't either! Life has no pause button and it will beat you until you have nothing left. Life will make you want to press the pause button if a such button existed. However it does not work like that the sun will fall to make room for the moon. However the sun will come back just make sure you come back with it. The best way to see this situation when giving up is your first thought. Is that I have a second chance after Monday to get it right on Tuesday. If Tuesday I only succeed at getting out of bed on Wednesday I get to beat the sun up to try and be greater than I was yesterday! If it seemed as dark on Monday on that Thursday I have a blessing to pick it up on Friday. Then there was a Saturday an I thought I deserved to laugh, dance, and smile because today was my party day! An on Sunday I reflected on my week and realize I wasn't broken I just received seven second chances to get it right. Don't allow something you have very little control of stop you or rob you of your confidence within yourself.